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The Cathedral of Cliffdale Page 28

  Jack wailed at being left out and Quinn scooped him up in her other arm, showering them both with kisses. She could not stem the tears that pricked at her eyes, and when she met Tristan’s gaze over the twins' heads, she saw her tears reflected in his eyes.

  Tentatively, Tristan stepped forward, wary of his reception.

  “Look who’s here,” Quinn murmured, jostling the children so that they turned to look at him. Tristan held out his arms but the twins shied away, burying their faces in Quinn’s neck. Her heart broke for Tristan and the genuine disappointment on his face pained her.

  “Give it time,” she murmured reassuringly, and then she dropped her head between the twins’, whispering endearments into their ears.

  Terrified of being abandoned again, Jack and Ava refused to be set down and they clung frantically to Quinn, despite her best efforts to reassure them that she wasn’t going anywhere. By the time she re-entered the Cathedral, Daniel stood beside Isaiah.

  “Not now,” she shook her head. “It’s with her,” she inclined her head at Ava, who was hoisted on her right hip. “It will traumatise her if I take it now.” Everyone’s eyes dropped to the pink bear clutched tightly in Ava’s hand and Isaiah smiled, deducing the crystal’s location and the problem it presented to simply wrest it from the terrified child’s grasp.

  “Take your time,” he nodded sagely, and even Daniel’s hard features seemed to soften as he too nodded.

  Quinn had the children close their eyes while she took them through the Gateway and into the City. Tristan stayed close, unable to tear himself away from his son and daughter, and Quinn was moved by the genuine love shining in his blue eyes. Tristan looked as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, one that he hadn’t even realised he had carried with him for so long.

  “Remember the story about the unicorn?” Quinn asked, moving towards the cornflower field. Jack didn’t respond, but Ava lifted her head long enough to nod. The second she clapped eyes on Tristan, she tucked it straight back into Quinn’s shoulder.

  After a moment’s thought, Quinn jerked her head back towards the fountain. Trusting her judgement, Tristan followed her cue and moved away, giving them some space. Slowly, Quinn lowered the twins to the ground, kneeling before them so that they only had to look at her face.

  “Did you miss me?” she asked, and Jack and Ava nodded. “I missed you guys too. I’m sorry I left you, but I had to go away for a while.” There was no point in scaring them with the truth - that they had been taken from her without her consent. “Were the people looking after you nice to you?”

  “No,” Ava announced promptly and Quinn’s spirits plummeted. “He made us eat peas.” Knowing how Ava loathed peas, Quinn suppressed a smile.

  “Well, you don’t have to eat any more peas,” she promised solemnly. “Do you know who that man is?” she added, pointing back at Tristan now that they were not hiding themselves in her chest. Ava shook her head, but surprisingly, Jack stared for a long moment without answering. Tristan had visited the twins a few times while they lived with Quinn, but these fleeting visits had faded in the time between.

  “That’s your daddy,” Quinn explained gently. Ava’s eyes widened, but Jack’s expression didn’t change. Quinn wondered if he remembered Tristan after all. “You want him to show you something awesome?”

  “I want to stay with you,” Ava sounded panicked.

  “I’m here, sweetheart. I’m coming with you.” Quinn took them each by the hand and gestured to Tristan to follow.

  The enormous field of flowers proved too much for the children and they finally broke free of Quinn, scampering around with shrieks of delight.

  “I can’t believe they’re here.” Tristan’s voice was incredulous. “And it’s all thanks to you,” he added. Quinn didn’t pull away when he took her hand. The gesture was natural and the dry warmth of his hand felt natural and comforting.

  They stood side by side, simply watching, for the longest time.

  “I have an idea,” Quinn said eventually, releasing his hand. Her own felt empty.

  “Jack! Ava!” she got the children’s attention and beckoned them over. “Your daddy has a surprise for you. Call them,” she added, and Tristan grinned. He let out a high, musical whistle and they all fell silent.

  “What?” Ava chirruped, when nothing happened immediately.

  “Shhh, watch,” Quinn dropped to her haunches and pointed to the trees nearest them. She had spotted the silvery sheen moving through the tree trunks.

  When the two female unicorns emerged, Ava let out a veritable cry of uncontained glee.

  “Horsey!” she yelled, bouncing up and down on the spot. Jack moved a little closer to Tristan who was nearest.

  “They won’t hurt you, boy,” Tristan bent down and scooped Jack up, so that he could reach up and touch the mare’s nose as she approached.

  “Wanna ride horsey!” Ava insisted.

  “Daddy will help you,” Quinn offered, seizing the opportunity. The lure of the unicorns was too much for Ava, who promptly opened her chubby arms to Tristan, demanding to be picked up too.

  “Give Beebee to Quinn,” Quinn said, “you can’t ride the horsey with Beebee.”

  All too willingly, Ava thrust the soft bear at her and then turned her attention back to the dazzling white duo.

  Quinn retreated, settling down on the grass and giving Tristan space to bond with his children. She squeezed the bear in her hands, from head to toe, and up and down the arms and legs, finally feeling something hard between her fingertips. She sized it up by touch and felt a flood of relief. She had been right. She had found Avery’s crystal. And yet, she did not feel the satisfaction she had thought she would. Instead, a sense of unease settled over her, as though her body was trying to warn her of something dark and foreboding coming. Shaking herself, Quinn dismissed it. Jack and Ava were safe and she was a Guardian again. Everything was exactly as it should be.

  “In the heart of your own,” she whispered, casting her eyes heavenward. “But did you have to make it so damn difficult, Avery?”

  End of Book 1...

  About The Author

  Melissa Delport graduated from the University of South Africa with a degree in English Literature and now lives with her husband and three children in Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal. She is the author of The Legacy Trilogy, The Traveler and Rainfall.

  For more information visit

  The story continues in

  The Fight of the Fallen

  Book 2 of The Guardians of Summerfeld Series

  For more information visit